Media appearances, news, and updates from Senator Colin Deacon NEWS 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2021 FINANCIAL POST: WHO'S TOBI LÜTKE? MEET THE TECH TYCOON WHO DRAWS $1 IN SALARY AND RUNS CANADA'S LARGEST LISTED COMPANY November 1, 2021In this profile on Tobias Lütke (Founder and Chief Executive of Shopify) Senator Deacon discusses how Shopify has been critical to empowering entrepreneurs in Canada and worldwide. Click here to read more. THE HILL TIMES: ‘TALENT IS THE JET FUEL TO GET COMPANIES TO GROW AND SCALE’: ATTRACTING FOREIGN TALENT AND IP PROTECTION CRITICAL FOR CANADA’S INNOVATION ECONOMY, SAYS CCI October 25, 2021 In this article by Jesse Cnockaert, Senator Deacon adds his voice to industry experts on what it would take to transform Canada's innovation economy and turn Canada into an 'innovation nation'. He suggests that promoting an innovative society in Canada requires an innovative government that takes more risks and is more receptive to solutions offered by Canadian innovators. Click here to read the full article. THE GLOBE & MAIL OPINION: WE NEED TO TALK (ABOUT THE ECONOMY) September 30, 2021In this opinion piece by David Parkinson of the Globe & Mail, the author discusses the recommendations in the new report of the Senate Prosperity Action Group, and why they are important to ensuring Canada's future prosperity. Click here to read more. THE CANADIAN PRESS: SENATORS CALL FOR GOVERNMENTS TO CRAFT A GRAND POST-PANDEMIC PLAN TO GROW ECONOMY September 28, 2021In this article by Jordan Press of The Canadian Press, Senator Deacon discusses the newly released report by the Senate Prosperity Action Group. He comments on the report's recommendation to help improve access to capital and streamline regulatory regimes to help companies grow and compete globally, and the approach necessary for the government to achieve this. Click here to read more. THE HILL TIMES: AI INNOVATION NEEDS FEDERAL ATTENTION, SAY INDUSTRY PLAYERS, LAWMAKERS August 23, 2021In this article by Alice Chen of The Hill Times, Senator Deacon adds his voice to industry players and other parliamentarians to discuss the importance of prioritizing artificial intelligence in Canada. He cautions that Canada could fall behind globally in productivity and economic prosperity without further inroads and changes in regulations in the AI sector. Click here to read the full article. INTERVIEW: MEET SENATOR COLIN DEACON August 11, 2021Get to know Senator Colin Deacon in this article as he shares details about how he got involved in public life, his perspective on the most important public policy issues in Canada, which book he recommends as a must-read, and much more. Click to read the full article. FINAL REPORT: ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON OPEN BANKING August 4, 2021The Advisory Committee on Open Banking released a final report with recommendations on how to modernize the Canadian financial services sector and implement a secure open banking system for Canadian consumers. The committee’s final report, which has been welcomed by Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland, is the culmination of work undertaken since 2018, including two phases of consultation with a broad range of stakeholders and engagement with subject matter experts. Click here to read the full report. IPOLITICS: SENATORS URGE BETTER, AFFORDABLE CHILD-CARE PROGRAMS July 22, 2021In this opinion piece written by Senators Moodie and Miville-Dechêne, Senator Deacon lends his support for the creation of affordable and high-quality early learning and child-care programs throughout the country, to ensure equity in workforce participation, better post-pandemic recovery, and prosperity for all. Read more here. THE HILL TIMES: WORKING GROUP STRUCK TO REVIEW RED CHAMBER’S OPAQUE ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY June 9, 2021In this latest article by Laura Ryckewaert of The Hill Times, Senator Deacon discusses the newly appointed Working Group on Environment and Sustainability, established by the Senate's Internal Economy, Budgets, and Administration Committee on May 27th. The Working Group is tasked with reviewing the Senate's environmental policy and presenting short-, medium-, and long-term actionable goals to make a difference in the Senate's commitment to sustainability and leadership. To read more of this discussion, click here. NOUVEAU SONDAGE — ENTREPRENEURIAT INCLUSIF: EXAMEN DES OBSTACLES AUXQUELS SE HEURTENT ENTREPRENEURS NOIRS DU CANADA May 27, 2021Les résultats complets d'un sondage important portant sur l'entrepreneuriat noir, réalisé par la firme Abacus Data à la demande du Groupe Canado-Africain du Sénat et du sénateur Colin Deacon, en collaboration avec douze importantes organisations dirigées par des membres de la communauté noire, ont été dévoilés aujourd'hui. Cliquer ici pour examiner toutes les réponses des 342 entrepreneurs noirs sondés d'un océan à l'autre qui a révélé que le racisme systémique, l'accès à du capital et l'absence d'un réseau d'affaires représentent les principales barrières à la croissance et à la pérennité des entreprises dirigées par des Noirs. Découvrir tous les aperçus ici. REPORT RELEASE — INCLUSIVE ENTREPRENEURSHIP: ACCELERATING THE ENTREPRENEURIAL POTENTIAL OF BLACK CANADIANS May 26, 2021The report, Inclusive Entrepreneurship: Exploring the Barriers Facing Black Entrepreneurs in Canada, commissioned by the African Canadian Senate Group and Senator Colin Deacon and powered by Abacus Data, found that systemic barriers to growth and success face Black Canadian entrepreneurs. Of the 342 Black entrepreneurs surveyed, 76% reported that their race makes it harder to succeed as an entrepreneur. Access to capital, funding, financing, or sales was the top stated challenged for Black entrepreneurs as well, with 75% reporting that if they needed to find $10,000 to support their business, it would be difficult for them to do so. To read more of this report's important insights, click here. THE GLOBE AND MAIL: BLACK ENTREPRENEURS IN CANADA FACING SYSTEMIC RACISM AND OTHER BARRIERS TO SUCCESS, NEW STUDY FINDS May 26, 2021 As Elena de Luigi reports for The Globe and Mail, the new study from Senator Colin Deacon and the African Canadian Senate Group finds that Black entrepreneurs in Canada say they face systemic racism and widespread barriers to growing their businesses, including accessing capital, building supportive networks and skills development. To read more of this story, click here. INCLUSIVE ENTREPRENEURSHIP: ACCELERATING THE ENTREPRENEURIAL POTENTIAL OF BLACK CANADIANS January 14, 2021In the first iteration of a series of informative papers, The Office of Senator Colin Deacon explores the best available practices to accelerate the economic potential of Black Canadians. Following engagements with several entrepreneurs, executive leaders and community members, we have gathered insights and information to support the thesis that the entrepreneurial potential of Black Canadians has been limited by several factors. In this paper we focus on highlighting existing gaps, emerging programs across the country that are exemplar, and areas of opportunity that could be further explored by entrepreneurs, community leaders, corporate executives and governments. This paper assesses the current state of Black entrepreneurship in Canada, emerging initiatives, and promising areas of focus for the future.